Ready to Solve Problems for Heavy Industry

The successful implementation of H2GenTM technology marks a significant step toward decarbonizing ironmaking processes and advancing sustainability within the steel industry. Looking ahead, H2Gen technology holds promising prospects not only for the steel industry but also for many other heavy industries. Potential applications include serving as a blast furnace reductant and as a low-carbon fuel source for DRI plants. 

UG molten steel


Expanding Applications Across Industries

The insights gained from the FTF are shaping the commercial design for other sectors. Applications include using biogas from water treatment facilities and landfill gases to produce hydrogen for the mobility sector. Additionally, running gases in reverse produces carbon monoxide (CO) from CO2 and hydrogen, opening possibilities for green chemicals, sustainable aviation fuels and ammonia cracking, among other innovations.

Commitment to Affordable and Practical Solutions

The establishment of the FTF underscores our commitment to advancing sustainable solutions for the steel industry. By validating H2Gen's capability to convert actual BFG to hydrogen, the FTF project reaffirms our dedication to driving meaningful change and reducing carbon emissions within the steel sector. H2Gen in proving—under actual field operating conditions—that Utility Global can make sustainability affordable and practical for energy-intensive industries.

Leading the Way to a Greener Future

The successful commissioning and promising results of the FTF highlight the transformative potential of H2Gen technology. As the steel industry transitions toward sustainability, Utility Global leads the way, delivering innovative solutions to tackle global climate challenges and forge a cleaner, greener future. Our development of new solutions will continue to reduce emissions and energy use, cut waste and deliver bottom-line value. At Utility Global, we're making the energy transition a near-term reality by turning environmental challenges into business advantages.